Video Production

Cheniere Energy Corporate Responsibility Report

Project Date -
June 25, 2021

Project Background

The recent ESG movement has made corporate social responsibility reports standard for almost all major publicly traded companies. However, many of these reports are full of data that can be cumbersome to understand or buried in pages upon pages of charts. While these details are great for rating agencies, stakeholders or the press want to know how a company is hopefully improving upon its goals. Therefore, creating and visualizing a simplified story through a video campaign can help businesses push out an impactful narrative.

Cheniere Energy CR Report Production Image 1.
Cheniere Energy CR Report Production Image 2.
Cheniere Energy CR Report Production Image 3.
Cheniere Energy CR Report Production Image 4.
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Production Images

Project Objectives

Cheniere Energy needed the following objectives to be met for their corporate responsibility report video.

  • Produce a 3-5 minute long video that can be broken into multiple parts and channeled as a campaign to stakeholders.
  • Work with external communications to ensure messaging meets compliance and investor relations standards.
  • Utilize media assets from Cheniere’s video archive.
  • Animate and incorporate background designs from Cheniere’s corporate responsibility report.

Cheniere Energy Corporate Responsibility Report Video

Project Outcome

Cheniere received positive feedback from this project on its social media channels and upper management. Creating one long form plus multiple short-form videos allowed Cheniere to push this video out as a campaign for an entire month. Overall this project was a great addition to the release of Cheniere’s Corporate Responsibility report.

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